The Start of Kamochah…
Throughout the Jewish diaspora, our people have ended up in all corners of the world. In recent generations, the Jewish community has become increasingly diverse, leading to an ever growing percentage of Black Orthodox Jews. Black Orthodox Jews come from many backgrounds. Some were born Jewish and have been since Sinai, while others convert. Black Orthodox Jews exist in all major orthodox communities, from yeshivish, to sephardi, chassidic, or chareidi.
Whether they have roots in the Caribbean, the Americas, or Africa, they all share the experience of being Black in the Orthodox community. Kamochah has come about by necessity. Our aim is to function as a hub for Black Orthodox Jews, offering support, education, guidance, and other necessary resources. We envision a world where black Orthodox Jews are naturally integrated valued members of the Orthodox community. The traditions and narratives of, and issues specifically relevant to Black Orthodox Jews will be more widely known and appreciated and communal leaders will be empowered.
Kamochah exists to support Black Orthodox Jews, and engage with the broader Orthodox community.
Our Mission
Our aim is to give a voice to the Black Orthodox Jewish community, and in so doing, help to build bridges, elevate souls, and propel our community through unity (achdus).
We envision a world where black Orthodox Jews are naturally integrated valued members of the Orthodox community.